happy god, god


Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Pesan baru dari Trijono Widjojo!

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[image: Gambar sisip 1] You can see the canvas...
Trijono Widjojo 16 Maret 0:10
Bible of Skateboard Shoes Adidas
[image: Gambar sisip 1]
You can see the canvas shoes everywhere in the market in 2005. But the dog
every day, so that by 2006, the board blocked road shoes. What would be the
first thing that comes to your mind when you look at the "flat shoes" two
words. Is "flat dance shoes" of Zhuangzu will come to your mind. Is our
attention to stimulate young people to dance with "flat shoes". "Shoes
Council" is the kind of shoes worn by people who skateboard, so also called
skateboarding shoes. Compared with normal shoes, the difference is that his
palms flat. Maybe shoes foot board can make better posts on skateboard
flat. It can absorb shock well. In addition, the sides have been reinforced
as well. With attention to the parts of the shoe laces, lace holes have
been made in several brands of shoes for the prevention of grind.

Shoes Council has the function of anti-friction, and production is to
skateboarding. Shoes Council has many characteristics. There are plenty of
high-tech additions, especially in recent years. In general, it is designed
with continuous improvement in order to make skaters feel more comfortable
while playing. Its main feature is that the palm must have a buffer
function, but the cushion is not a necessity. The shoestrings can avoid
grinding for it is designed with the function of protection. Shoe-heads are
easy to wear down, so wear-resisting material needed. Your ankle will be
protected by a thick shoe tongue. There are other exquisites well,
including shoe-pads, heel and internal shoe. There are all kinds of
characteristics, which are designed for sports effect better and feeling
more comfortable skateboard. As for the skaters, good or bad skateboard
shoes is very important.

Under normal circumstances, you should pay attention to these tips when you
choose skateboard shoes. It would be better if the soles and uppers of the
skateboard shoes are made of polyurethane. It would be better if the
material thick suede leather vamps, and this would be durable to wear. You
should try your best to avoid places where there are cable lines when you
select shoes. In this way, it can prevent the shoe board for otherwise
worthless too early because it is off-line. Currently, the council's head
shoes< http://www.facebook.com/l/eAQF67BOOAQH5RJHRWtHAiJodeLa-AYAeLPM2m9BkATLA5g/sportthealty.blogspot.com/2013/03/way-to-stay-healthy-with-theme.html%23more>convers
wrapped rocking new material "ABR" ultra-wearable, durable enough.

Council comfortableness shoes' is very important to some beautiful skaters
in skill. Skateboard shoes with thin soles will be profitable for them.
These shoes have thin soles skateboard. Under normal circumstances, there
are relatively thick or with a cushion shoe pads. Applied to the soft
quality leather shoe uppers. It is possible for you to realize that there
is close contact between your foot and the ground when you take action.
However, the player who moves very want to choose a relatively thick
skateboard shoes. For example, the type of skateboard shoes with a pillow
or mat oil and thick tongue. By using this method, your foot will be sent
Info:sport < http://www.facebook.com/l/bAQHxogGKAQEl4cYSC00MpgE4AsM9u0kHmasQuhRz01_HDQ/sportthealty.blogspot.com/>

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